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At GART, we strive to provide you with the tools to access information for all of your professional needs. We pursue a policy of Education, Communication, and Empowerment.

  • Who can be a member of GART?
    GART members include arts teachers, scholars, researchers and professors, students, administrators, art museum educators, retired art educators, non-art educators, and artists.
  • Why should I become a member of GART?
    In this increasingly global, visual age, it is important to be connected to your colleagues and the latest developments in arts education. As an GART member, YOU ARE CONNECTED! You become part of the only national, professional organization established exclusively for arts educators. View the complete list of member benefits.
  • Is my membership renewal due on the anniversary of my join date, or is the membership term based on the calendar year? Do I pay the full amount of dues for the first year, or a prorated amount?"
    GART membership is on an anniversary cycle; therefore, your membership term is for one year beginning on the day you join NAEA and ends on the last day of the previous month. For example, if you join on May 25th, your membership will be valid through April 30th of the following year. Individual members have individual renewal dates. Therefore, the amount for your first year of membership is the full dues amount.
  • How can I locate my Member ID number?
    There are three ways to find your Member ID: 1. Login to your GART member profileoffsite link; 2. Send an e-mail inquiry to; or 3. Call GART Member Services at 1-800-299-8321.
  • I am an artist as well as a teacher. How will GART membership contribute to my artistic growth?
    National and state conventions offer lectures and demonstrations by renowned artists. There are local artists’ workshops and seminars as well as opportunities to examine art galleries and museums of the host city.
  • Does GART have a refund policy for memberships?
    Yes, view GART Membership Refund Policy.
  • Is your website secure?
  • How do I search for information on your website?
    Utilize the Search box button located top right on each page within the website.
  • Having trouble accessing the Classroom Gallery?
    If you are having technical issues, please call Artsonia at 1-800-869-9974 or send an email to
  • Where can I find information on art education programs?
    Contact GART
  • Can anyone nominate an individual for an award?
    Any current GART member may nominate or be nominated for a national award.
  • I am interested in partnering with GART on my upcoming project. How do I go about doing this?
    Please submit your inquiry or proposal to and it will be routed to the appropriate staff person.
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